Special Note: Due to the rise in Prices of Silver, all of the prices for any items made out of Silver are not Valid. These prices reflect from when the price of Silver was at around $10 an Ounce. Please email me at snakemannn@aol.com before ordering if you want to get something made of Silver so I can get you an updated price. I am not going to redo all the prices until the price of Silver stabilizes! Thanks. |
Celebrities who have my Jewelry...
Click on the links to see all the jewelry or scroll down to click the next button
I am Victor the SnakeMannn. Over the next few pages you will see the designs and creations
I have made for you to enjoy. I hope you have fun looking at all my creations. Please get
what you can and let me know what you like. I do Custom pieces for people, so feel free to
inquire about anything you need. You can see my celebrity list by scrolling down on this
page. For over 20 years now I have celebrated my Native American Heritage by making fine Custom Handcrafted Indian Jewelry, Art and Designs. I design and make Custom Handcrafted
Native American Indian Jewelry. I started out in the late 80s by receiving a Lakota Sioux Choker from a friend. When it broke, I remade it using different beads and making it my own. Then when people asked where I got it I replied that "I made it". They wanted me to make some for them. This is how I started making jewelry. In the time since, I have sold to stores across the West and have had my pieces featured in Movies, TV Shows and Music Videos. Many Celebrities have purchased my pieces over the years. Is it time to have your own handcrafted design? Please let me know if I may be of service.
Celebrities who have my Jewelry...
I am trading Jewelry for
Gift Cards people get for Christmas, Birthdays, Barmitzvas or any other occaission you
might get one and don't really want. So like a $50 Gift Card from Wal*Mart, KMart, Target,
Best Buy etc.. will get you $60 in Jewelry. That means it didn't really cost you anything,
and you got what you wanted. So pass that on to you and your friends and email me at snakemannn@aol.com if you need anything. I also take
Cash and all Credit Cards. I will also trade jewelry for a new Laptop incase someone has
one they do not want or have 2. Victor the SnakeMannn If you do not have Paypal, you can send me a But please email me the pieces you are interested in
first at snakemannn@aol.com to see if they are
available. Please enclose Piece Number, description and prices. Thanks. Click here to see all the Celebrities who have my Jewelry... |
Links to Jewelry!!!
Celebrities who have my Jewelry...
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I can always be found at the Rainbow in Hollywood!!!
Victor the SnakeMannn's Website
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